Best easy old fashion chocolate chip cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies

It’s a rainy Saturday morning in Halifax today. If you are in the baking mood, why not make these easy chocolate chip cookies. My kids love them and I have to agree there’s nothing better than a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie with a cup of coffee.

When I make them, they don’t last a full day. I don’t like buying store bought pre-packaged cookies, because I think they are full of bad ingredients. However, I know not everyone has the time to bake cookies or wants to make them, so I don’t judge. An alternatve to pre-packaged cookies would be to get them at your local bakery or coffee shop where they are baked daily.

This post is for all of the chocolate chip cookie lovers.



  • 1 1/4 cups of brown sugar
  • 3/4 of real unsalted butter ( I like it when it’s still cold but closer to the room temperature side)
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 1 tbsp vanilla
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • chocolate chips, I prefer semi-sweet. Add as much as you want.


Preheat your oven to 375F. I like to use my Kitchen Aid mixer to mix everything together.

  1. Blend the butter and brown sugar until well combined
  2. Add the milk
  3. Add vanilla
  4. Add the egg
  5. I stop the mixer and just scrape the sides so it’s well mixed. I add the flour, salt and baking powder. Turn on the mixer. When it’s all combined, add the chocolate chips.
  6. Bake for 8-12 minutes. The cooking time will all depend on your oven. I check them after 10 minutes. When they are a golden colour, I take the cookies out of the oven and let them sit on the cookie sheet and then transfer to a cooling rack.
  7. Enjoy and I dare you to try and only eat one. (Joke) They are chewy, soft and delicious.
Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hope you enjoy this recipe. Let me know how they turn out.

Please like and share or post a picture of your baked chocolate chip cookies. I would love to see them.

Love Backend Kitchen xx

Backend Kitchen

Melissa Hankinson

Melissa is a 37 year old french Acadian who is passionate for health, food, family, her dog Milo, wine, traveling and loves her power walks.

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